Interesting Facts About The Blower Door Test
There are many interesting facts about blower door testing. The same is true for facts about duct leakage testing. We've explained some of these interesting facts in the atricles below.

The Blower Door
Fan With Plugs
The fan is the part of the Blower Door Assembly that creates the vacuum. The fan is shown with all 8 plugs inserted.

The Set Up
Blower & Door
The Blower Door frame and cloth panel are placed in the door frame of the home. A computer controls the Blower Door.

When To Do The
Blower Door Test
The best time to Blower Door Test is after the doors and windows have been installed. And before the interior is finished. dwc

Duct Leakage Equipment
Specialised equipment is used to perform a Duct Leakage Test. This equipment creates a 25 Pascal vacuum and measures duct leakage.

Duct Leakage
Complex Testing
The Duct Leakage Test is a complex test using multi aperture adjustable blower. Air flow sensors measure the duct leakage.

Infrared Testing
At No Charge
I there's an issue with blower door or duct leakage test results, we'll find the leaks with infrared scans at no charge.
Blower Door Test for Certificate of Occupancy
Obtaining a certificate of occupancy requires a blower door test. When the duct work goes outside the conditioned airspace a Duct Leakage Test is required also to receive a certificate of occupancy.